Friday, November 30, 2012

One Point Perspective Room

Here is my room which I made using One Point Perspective. I added a door, a rug, and a window and I plan to add a television soon.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Haunted House

I this picture I added some paint damage to the house as well as some Graffiti . I think this adds to the picture making it feel more creepy.

Drawing a One Point Perspective Room

Here are two shots of my room using one point perspective. The first is without the guides and the second is with them. I made the walls, the floor and the ceiling using the line tool.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Haunted House

Here is my updated haunted house. I'm not really proud of it yet, but I'm unsure of how to improve it. I added some fog and gravestones along with darkening the sky. I think this would've been easier to do if I had had a different house. The house I have currently, has issues because the picture itself was odd and there were issues with the colors becoming over-saturated. I think I fixed most of those problems but I still don't feel comfortable stopping here.

One point Perspective

Here is a diagram showing the parts of a One Point Perspective photo. The red lines show lines from the picture which all lead to the Vanishing Point. The Vanishing point is shown as a blue dot, this dot is also located on the Horizon Line shown in green. The light blue lines indicate the vertical lines in the photo.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Huanted House- Restart

Here is that start of my newest attempt at the haunted house.

 These above are some more abstracts I created using Apophysis.
 This is my attempt at lightning. While it may not look realistic due to the colors, I wanted to learn how to for future use.
This is a continuation of my haunted house. I had to start over because my pictures were not big enough. I am not done with this nor am I totally pleased. i think It could use some improvement with getting the colors and the lighting correct. This house has been a challenge for me and i am still not sure what I could do to make it look haunted enough while still retaining the integrity of the picture.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Haunted House

Here is my Haunted house. It is still a work in progress, however it is getting there. Today i added some sun rays but they aren't very visible. I also added broken windows along with some adjustments with the brightness and contrast.

Friday, November 9, 2012